CPR Certification is not only a licensing requirement for most dental professionals, it’s just the right thing to do for yourself, your team, and your patients.
We offer convenient, in-office or online/in-office combo, training for your whole team.  You will be trained, by a certified professional trainer, so that your entire team will be able to work together and know what to do in the case of an emergency.  Each participant will receive a two-year certification from the American Heart Association.
Professional Rescuer and Community CPR options are available to fit the needs of your practice. 

  • CPR Certification Training
  • AED Program Development 

CPR Training is also available for non-dental professionals and community members.
Contact us for training availability or find our courses at www.cpr.heart.org.

***Package Discounts available for comprehensive OSHA, HIPAA, and CPR Training***